Attractive and different because of its smooth grayish-white stems and rounded leaflets. Blue flowers tower above the foliage. Looks good by itself as a specimen or in the background behind other species.
Blue wild indigo is a long-lived perennial; there is a 30-year-old plant growing in a sunny lawn in central Missouri that gets about 3 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter with many flowers each year.
Uses: butterflies, bees, drought resistant
Bloom time: May & June
Height: 2 to 3 feet
Space: 2 to 3 feet
Sun: Full sun
Moisture: Dry to average
Seed is fairly easy to germinate. Scarify it with sandpaper before sowing, and
it should germinate within a week or two. You can also soak the seed in
warm water overnight to start the process. Otherwise, sow it outdoors between
November and January for good results.
- 200 seeds per packet
- 1,500 seeds per ounce
- 1 ounce per 100 square feet