American bittersweet is prized in the landscape for its showy fruit clusters. It is a twining vine that will appreciate a sturdy trellis. The fruits begin to appear in July and often last well into the winter. Male and female flowers appear on separate plants. They are yellow and fairly small. The female plants will have fruits if there is a male plant nearby for pollination. We do not know which of our plants are female or male because they are grown from seed and have not matured enough to flower.
This plant attracts a wide range of wildflife. It's a host plant for at least one species of moth. Bees and other insects are attracted to American bittersweet for nectar and pollen. Rabbits and squirrels will also use the plant. Bluebirds, quail, and several other birds eat the seeds. They are inedible for people.
Uses: Ornamental, pollinators, wildlife, host plant, medicinal
Bloom time: May - June
Height: Up to 20 feet
Space: 3 to 6 feet
Sun: Sun to medium shade
Moisture: Average