Small palafox is a very showy annual that will persist in dry, sunny beds. The flowers bloom pink and then fade to nearly white, forming a cloudy mass of pinkish hues. Butterflies are particularly fond.
Many years ago, a native plant enthusiast in the area may have sown some seed along a roadside. Seasonal mowing by the highway department helped spread the seed far and wide. Decades later, huge swaths of small palafox can be seen blooming along miles of mid-Missouri highways. Among other things, this demonstrates that the plant tolerates heavy pruning.
Uses: Pollinators, drought tolerant, first-season color
Bloom time: August - October
Height: 20 to 36 inches
Space: 12 to 18 inches
Sun: Full sun
Moisture: Dry to average
Seed: Sow between December and March
- 200 seeds per packet
- 30,000 seeds per ounce
- 1 ounce per 1,000 square feet