Sleepy catchfly is an inconspicuous, tap-rooted annual that spreads solely from seed. It grows best in open areas that are well-drained and have experienced recent distubance. Gravelly, sandy soil is preferred but not required.
Small insects like bees and flies are its main pollinators. The stems have sticky bands between leaf nodes that can trap insects.
Uses: Annual, disturbed areas
Bloom time: April - September
Height: 6 to 18 inches
Space: 8 to 12 inches
Sun: Full sun to light shade
Moisture: Dry to average
Seed: Stratification likely isn't necessary, but we do not have much experience growing this species.
- 200 seeds per packet
- 310,000 seeds per ounce
- 1 ounce per 10,000 square feet (yields 30 seeds/square foot)