Deep Soil Seed Mix


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3 Spring, summer, fall
Full sun
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Our deep soil mix provides color from early May into October and attracts many kinds of wildlife. It consists nearly entirely of perennials with a few annuals or biennials that will provide some color while the perennials get established. This mix should be sown in late fall or winter--early February at the latest. Seed sown after February may not get the cold moist treatment (stratification) that it needs in order to germinate.
Seed:  Many of the species need a cold, moist period of stratification. Sow seed between November and February.
Seeding rates will yield ~30 seeds per square foot:
  • A packet covers about 25 square feet.
  • 1 ounce per 675 square feet
  • 1 pound per 10,800 square feet
  • 4 pounds per acre

These species prefer plenty of sunlight and moderate moisture. 

1/21/25 Contents: Yarrow, Slender false foxglove, Lead Plant, Shining Blue Star, Tall Green Milkweed, Common Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, White Wild Indigo, Blue Wild Indigo, Bur Marigold, Indian Paintbrush, New Jersey Tea, Partridge Pea, Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Tall Coreopsis, White Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover, Illinois bundleflower, Pale-Purple Coneflower, Purple coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Closed Gentian, Maximilian Sunflower, Willowleaf Sunflower, Ox-eye Sunflower, Roundheaded Bushclover, Rough Blazing Star, Prairie Blazing Star, Sensitive Briar, Wild Bergamot (short), Common evening primrose, Rigid Goldenrod, Sampsons snakeroot, Wild Quinine, Foxglove Beardtongue, Sweet everlasting, Slender Mountain Mint, Hairy Mountain mint, Grayhead Coneflower, Showy Coneflower,Black-eyed Susan, Blue Sage, Maryland Senna, Royal Catchfly, Compass Plant, Gray Goldenrod, Showy Goldenrod, New England Aster, Frost Aster, Ohio Spiderwort, Hoary vervain, White Vervain, Yellow Crownbeard, Western Ironweed, Golden Alexanders

We include an extra ounce of seed with each bulk pound.

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