Savanna Seed Mix


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Medium shade
3 Spring, summer, fall
Our savanna mix provides color from April into October and attracts many kinds of wildlife. It consists nearly entirely of perennials with a few annuals or biennials that will provide some color while the perennials get established. Many of the species can grow in full sun, but they can also grow in medium shade. This mix should be sown in late fall or winter--early February at the latest. Seed sown after February may not get the cold moist treatment (stratification) that it needs in order to germinate. 

1/18/2024 Contents: Yarrow, Slender false foxglove, White snakeroot, Lead Plant, Shining Blue Star, Pussytoes, White Goat's Beard, Common Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, White Wild Indigo, Blue Wild Indigo, Ohio Horse Mint, White Doll's Daisy, Prairie Camas, American Bellflower, Partridge Pea, Mist Flower, Star Tickseed, Tall Coreopsis, Dittany, White Prairie Clover, Purple Prairie Clover, Prairie Larkspur, American Beakgrain, Purple coneflower, Carolina Elephant's Foot, Rattlesnake Master, Southern Prairie Aster, Closed Gentian, Narrowleaf gumweed, Oxeye Sunflower, St. Andrews Cross, Stiffleaf Aster, Creeping lespedeza, Rough Blazing Star, Sharpwing Monkeyflower, Bee Balm, Common evening primrose, Rigid Goldenrod, Golden Ragwort, Wild Quinine, Slimflower scurfpea, Foxglove Beardtongue, Jumpseed, Sweet everlasting, Slender Mountain Mint, Hairy Mountain Mint, Gray-headed Coneflower, Orange Coneflower, Black-eyed Susan, Sweet Coneflower, Brown-eyed Susan, Late Figwort, Downy skullcap, Maryland Senna, Starry Campion, Compass Plant, Cliff Goldenrod, Gray Goldenrod, Downy Goldenrod, Showy Goldenrod, Elmleaf goldenrod, Manyray aster, Calico Aster, Sky Blue Aster, Arrow leaf aster, Yellow Pimpernel, Bearded Meadowparsnip, Hoary vervain, White Vervain, Yellow Crownbeard, White crownbeard,Western Ironweed
Seeding Rates: based on roughly 30 seeds per square foot
  • A packet covers about 25 square feet.
  • 1 oz. covers about 1,125 square feet
  • 1 pound covers about 18,075 square feet
  • 2.4 pounds per acre

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