Pinus echinata (Shortleaf Pine)


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This is Missouri's only native pine. It can be planted as an ornamental and used as a screen. Shortleaf pine is a great plant for wildlife. Squirrels and birds will eat the seeds, and many animals can find shelter from wind and cold winter weather. Deer will browse on young saplings. 

Young plants grow slowly for the first couple of years while the deep taproot takes hold. They typically lay over and become semiprostrate. This causes them to develop a crook at ground level; but, as the trunk grows, the crook will be hidden. Shortleaf pine tolerates a wide range of soil and site conditions, but it grows best on moist, well-drained, deep, sandy or silty loam. It will not do well in soils with high pH or abundant calcium.
Uses: Lumber, wildlife food and shelter, ornamental
Bloom time: March - April
Height: Up to 100 feet
Space: 15 to 30 feet
Sun: Full sun to light shade
Moisture: Dry to average

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